A blend of cat
, less
, nl
with syntax highlighting.
A side-by-side diff
A “modern replacement for ls
These are my fish functions for the ls
aliases I grew up with1:
$ type ls ll la lh
ls is a function with definition
function ls --wraps=exa
exa --classify $argv
ll is a function with definition
function ll --wraps=exa
ls --long --links --git --header $argv
la is a function with definition
function la --wraps=exa
ll --all $argv
lh is a function with definition
function lh --wraps=exa
ll --sort=modified --reverse --color=always $argv | head -n 20
It also replaces tree
$ type tree
tree is a function with definition
function tree --wraps=exa
ll --tree $argv
my bash aliases for these commands
$ type ls ll la lh
ls is aliased to `ls -F'
ll is aliased to `ls -l'
la is aliased to `ll -a'
lh is a function
lh ()
ls -F -l -t ${1+"$@"} | cat - | head -n 20